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Equality and Diversity

At Aston Academy we welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, victimisation and other harmful conduct under the Act. We work to advance the equality of opportunity and promote positive attitudes amongst all staff and students relating to the protected characteristics of age, disability, ethnicity, gender (including issues of transgender, and of maternity and pregnancy), religion and belief, and sexual orientation/identity (including marriage and civil partnerships,) whether they have a protected characteristic or not.

We are committed to ensuring a tolerant school community where diversity is celebrated, equality is promoted and issues of discrimination, disadvantage and underachievement of different groups are challenged and removed.

Aston Academy’s Equality Objectives for 2023/24 are:

  • To ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of all students including those eligible for the Pupil Premium and students with Special Education Needs in order that all students achieve success and fulfil their potential.
  • To ensure we promote the awareness of mental health and wellbeing, signpost students accurately and intervene where necessary.
  • To ensure that students' gaps in knowledge and skills are closed, including children eligible for Pupil Premium, pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, Looked After Children and children from any of the protected characteristics groups.
  • To ensure that differences are valued and nurtured within our academy community and incidents of homophobic, transphobic, sexist and racist language are challenged by all staff, monitored and addressed.
  • By promoting British Values and equality and diversity throughout the curriculum, to encourage students from different faiths, communities and backgrounds to work together, learn about each others' customs, beliefs and ideas and respect each other’s view