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Assessment & Reporting

Assessment, Feedback and Response at Aston Academy 

The purpose of assessment, feedback and response is to help teachers and students to understand how learning is progressing and to enable students to improve and develop their metacognitive skills. Assessment is a vital part of the learning journey and falls into two categories: Assessment For learning (formative) and Assessment of Learning Summative).

Formative Assessment is the process by which a teacher diagnoses student understanding of what is being learned and uses this information to shape the direction of learning during a lesson and to plan future lessons, ensuring the level of challenge is correct, misconceptions are being addressed and that students have opportunities to apply their understanding. At Aston Academy formative assessment is low stakes, regular checking implemented through questioning, teacher observation and regular milestone assessments. 

Summative assessments allow a more formal type of assessment, to identify student's learning over time. These are unseen and usually closed book assessments placed at appropriate points throughout the year, with respect to individual subject curriculum plans. Teachers mark these against age-related expectations at KS3 and against GCSE/vocational criteria at KS4 and KS5 and provide appropriate feedback to support improvement.

Years 7,8,9 have two data collection points during the year and Years 10 & 11 have three, both informed by formative and summative assessment as well as professional judgement. A report is sent home to parents after each collection. At KS3, data is reported in the form of a current working-at grade, which reflects age-related expectations specific to each subject. At KS4 and KS5, the data reported is in the form of a predicted, end of course grade, which reflects GCSE/ A level/ Vocational criteria

Please see below for each subject's age-related expectation descriptors: