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Academy Improvement

Leadership & Management

  1. Promote a growth mind-set through the academy vision – ‘Be Exceptional’ underpinned by the Aston Academy Core Values: Resilience, Respect, Responsibility, Ambition, Pride.

  2. Develop leadership at all levels – senior leaders, middle leaders, support staff leaders, student leaders

  3. Effective use of QA systems to drive improvements across the academy.

  4. Embed effective safeguarding practices.

Quality of Education

  1. To continue to develop an ambitious, knowledge-based curriculum which is engineered to enable success for all students, is sequenced effectively and ensures they are well prepared for the next stage of their education.

  2. To promote the importance of reading so that all students are fluent, confident readers who have the vocabulary, skills and strategies which enables them to read with confidence and enjoyment.

  3. To ensure that the curriculum is implemented effectively for all students, including those with SEND, through the effective use of adaptive teaching and teacher engagement in the instructional coaching programme.

  4. To continue to develop formative assessment approaches that support accurate teacher assessment and lead to data-informed decision making

  5. To ensure that the quality of education is consistently high through the development of students’ metacognitive skills supported by effective and consistent use of modelling by teachers and teacher engagement in the instructional coaching programme

  6. To foster a positive numeracy culture through the development and implementation of the Numeracy and Calculation Policy

Behaviour & Attitudes

  1. To establish clear routines and expectations for all students in order to eliminate low level disruption (Character development, teaching and modelling the behaviour we expect, uniform expectations, celebrate the positives, meet and greet, staff CPDL, review the academy policy/consistency with application of this policy. Leaders are supporting staff with low level disruption)

  2. To support the improvement of student behaviour in order that levels of internal and external suspensions reduce, especially for those who have more than one formal suspension.

  3. To ensure that provision is appropriate for our most disaffected and most vulnerable students, including those with complex needs, by utilising academy resources to their full potential. This includes a graduated response, which is accurate, reviewed regularly, and through accessing specialist provision. Alternative Provision is used effectively to support a very small number of students where further support is needed.

  4. To ensure that improving the punctuality and attendance of all key cohorts (Disadvantaged, SEND, Vulnerable, PA, SA) has high profile and that the expectations for student attendance remains high (Academy target, close gaps, re-establish routines and work with families, deployment of EWO, support of Early Help and other outside agencies, link between attendance and achievement.)

Personal Development

  1. To ensure the high-quality delivery of tutor time sessions in order to further develop the quality of personal development and pastoral provision for all students

  2. To further develop and embed the Academy-wide focus on equality in order to ensure all students have an excellent understanding of ‘protected characteristics’ and to further develop our inclusive and respectful culture.

  3. To continue to develop and embed an enrichment offer which encompasses faculty based and extra-curricular provision to ensure a broad offer of ‘cultural capital opportunities’, specifically targeting students within our disadvantaged cohort

  4. To further develop and implement an academy wide programme of student leadership opportunities.

  5. To continue to develop the CIEAG programme to ensure that all students have access to high quality careers information, advice and guidance